





19923月出生于辽宁省沈阳市,本科就读于北京交通大学经济管理学院信息管理与信息系统系,2014年获管理学学士学位、北京市优秀毕业生,同年直接攻读北交大博士学位(师从黄磊教授,国家大数据专家咨询委员会委员,国家物联网重大应用示范工程专家组成员,中国信息经济学会副理事长),20219月被授予管理学博士学位;20169月经公派赴比利时荷语鲁汶大学(ku leuvenqs-70the-42u.s.-48)商务与经济学院决策科学与信息管理系,同年11月起在liris研究组攻读博士学位(师从jan vanthienen教授,decision support systems高级主编,比荷卢信息系统协会联合创始人,欧洲业务流程与商务决策奠基人),20219月被授予商务经济博士学位。

科研经历主要聚焦于信息系统、企业信息化/数字化、业务流程与决策、商务智能、数据治理等,尤其在港口、铁路、公交等大交通领域有较丰富的研究成果。已发表多篇高质量学术论文,在多个有影响力的学术会议中汇报、交流研究成果,并担任business process management journal等期刊的审稿人。



- 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,71831006,物联网环境下的服务开发与设计优化研究,2019-012023-12230,在研,参加;

- 国家自然科学基金委员会,“面上”项目,52172311,交通数据共享空间的构建理论与方法研究,2022-012025-1275.4万,在研,参加;

- 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,71502010,集成情境信息的协同物流柔性运作过程建模与分析,2016-012019-0917.5万,已结题,参加;

- 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,71132008,基于云计算、物联网的物流系统资源优化调度方法研究,2012-012019-0144.625万,已结题,参加;


- 国家重大专项(民口),基于物联网的散杂货装卸与物流综合管理系统,2012-052018-06210万,已结题,参加;


- 广州港股份有限公司信息通信分公司,互联网港口物流智能服务示范工程子项目之基于大数据的散杂货港口提货风险预警系统项目,2019-062021-1290万,参加;



- 铁路总公司(原铁道部),铁路大数据应用规划及关键技术研究,2016-112018-0910万,参加;

- 北京公共交通控股(集团)有限公司,基于can-bus的公交车辆运行技术状况分析模型项目,2016-072020-0666.5万,参加;


- 铁路总公司(原铁道部),铁路数据治理关键技术研究,2016-052018-1260万,参加;


- 广州港股份有限公司信息通信分公司,小虎石化码头有限公司生产管理信息系统,2015-072020-1238万,参加;

- 铁路总公司(原铁道部),铁路信息化管理和应用技术研究——铁路数据管理与应用关键技术研究,2015-062017-0730万,参加;

- 铁路总公司(原铁道部),铁路货运电子商务系统关键技术研究——铁水联运集装箱运输信息共享与服务平台关键技术研究,2012-062019-1230万,参加;

- 广州港集团有限公司,广州港集团生产业务管理系统,2008-042018-06540万,参加。



  - song, rongjia; cui weiping; vanthienen jan; huang lei; wang ying; business process redesign towards iot-enabled context-awareness: the case of a chinese bulk port, business process management journal, accepted, 2022 (ssci, abs)

  - song, rongjia; huang, lei; cui, weiping; oskarsdottir, maria; vanthienen, jan ; fraud detection of bulk cargo theft in port using bayesian network models, applied sciences, 2020, 10(3): 0-1056 (sci)

  - jiao, feng; huang, lei; song, rongjia; huang, haifeng ; an improved stl-lstm model for daily bus passenger flow prediction during the covid-19 pandemic, sensors, 2021, 21(17): 0-5950 (sci)



 - huang, haifeng; huang, lei, jiao feng; rongjia, song; li, jing; data-driven prediction of one-way bus running time: an integrated model, 5th international conference on management engineering, software engineering and service sciences (icmss), chengdu, china, 2021.1.8-2021.1.10 (ei)

 - song, rongjia; huang, lei; cui, weiping; óskarsdóttir, maría; vanthienen, jan; fraud detection of bulk cargo theft in seaport using bayesian network, presented at the 99th transportation research board annual meeting (trb 2020),washington d.c., usa, 2020.1.12-2020.1.16 (conference ranking a)

 - van veldhoven, ziboud; song, rongjia; vanthienen, jan, cross-language keyword analysis of digital transformation for business, 16th international conference on e-business engineering (icebe), shanghai, china, 2019.10.11-2019.10.13 (ei, conference ranking b)

 - song, rongjia; vanthienen, jan; cui, weiping; wang, ying; huang, lei; context-aware bpm using iot-integrated context ontologies and iot-enhanced decision models, 21st ieee conference on business informatics (cbi), moscow, russia, 2019.7.15-2019.7.17 (ei)

 - song, rongjia; vanthienen, jan; cui, weiping; wang, ying; huang, lei; a dmn-based method for context-aware business process modeling towards process variability, 22nd international conference on business information systems (bis), seville, spain, 2019.6.26-2019.6.28 (ei, conference ranking b)

 - song, rongjia; vanthienen, jan; cui, weiping; wang, ying; huang, lei; towards a comprehensive understanding of the context concepts in context-aware business processes, 11th international conference on subject-oriented business process management (s-bpm one), seville, spain, 2019.6.26-2019.6.28 (ei)

 - song, rongjia; vanthienen, jan; cui, weiping; wang, ying; huang, lei; what roles do decisions play in context-aware business process management?, 21st international conference on enterprise information systems (iceis), crete, greece, 2019.5.3-2019.5.5 (ei, conference ranking b)

 - song, rongjia; vanthienen, jan; a framework approach to bridge the gap between decision-making and iot infrastructure, presented at the 30th european conference on operational research (euro), dublin, ireland, 2019.1.23-2019.1.26 (conference ranking b)

 - song, rongjia; huang, lei; xue yihan; vanthienen, jan; a data-driven fault prediction method for lng engine city buses, 8th international conference on logistics, informatics and service sciences (liss), toronto, canada, 2018.8.3-2018.8.6 (ei)

 - song, rongjia; cui, weiping; huang, lei; vanthienen, jan; risk analysis of cargo theft for bulk port operations using bayesian network, presented at the wctrs: siga2 2018 conference 'maritime and ports', antwerp, belgium, 2018.5.2-2018.5.4

 - song, rongjia; wang, ying; cui, weiping; vanthienen, jan; huang, lei; towards improving context interpretation in the iot paradigm: a solution to integrate context information in process models, 2nd international conference on management engineering, software engineering and service sciences (icmss), wuhan, china, 2018.1.13-2018.1.15 (ei)

 - song, rongjia; wang, ying; huang, lei; an ontology-based approach for context modeling in collaborative services, 4th international symposium on management, innovation & development (mid), beijing, china, 2017.11.24-2017.11.26 (ei)

-  宋容嘉,王英,崔维平,黄磊业务过程管理的物联网感知:基于情境信息整合的方法研究,中国信息经济学会学术年会暨博士生论坛,中国昆明,20171117-19

