yu caixia-ag娱乐平台官方网站

announcer:管理学院公共账号release time:2019-10-28views:287

name: caixia yu

professional title: associate professor

research area:  knowledge management  



my name is yu caixia, a woman of han nationality. i was born in september 1978. my native place is anlu city in hubei province. i got my phd in information management from wuhan university of china. i am an associate professor at management department in hangzhou dianzi university. i have been teaching in hangzhou dianzi university for 12 years. and now i am engaged in research work in the field of emergency information management.


research projects

[1]responsible for the project “research on evolution mechani** of emergency network opinion based on multi-agent simulation in new media environment” supported by zhejiang natural science foundation. (project no. lq16g030010)

[2]responsible for the project “research on evolution law and guidance strategy of emergency network opinion in zhejiang province under self-media environment” supported by major humanities and social sciences projects in colleges and universities of zhejiang province. (project no. 2016qn017)

[3]responsible for the project “the study of influence that the knowledge-based service industry collaborative innovation network effects on service innovation performance in zhejiang province” supported by zhejiang social science fund. (project no. 14ndjc023yb)

[4]responsible for the project “the service mechani** research on the knowledge services customer in a cloud environment in zhejiang province as an example ” supported by zhejiang federation of humanities and social sciences circles, 2013. (project no. 2013n132)



[1] caixia yu. research on supply and demand mechani** of enterprise information resources [m]. economic science press, 2011,10.

[2] caixia yu, ye yao. explore and ****yse on tran**ission security strategy of electronic records based on invisible watermarking [j]. archives science bulletin.2019(1):40-46

[3] caixia yu, ye yao. research on access control in electronic records security based on multilevel security encryption [j]. archives science bulletin. 2017(2):58-63.

[4] ye yao, caixia yu, li yang and chinchen chang. computer-aided annotation for video tampering dataset of forensic research[j]. journal of information hiding and multimedia signal processing, 2018,9(3):768-774.

[5] caixia yu. a study of marketing promotion of enterprises information resources based on demand orientation [j]. journal of intelligence, 2012(2):183-188.



*  management

*  project management 

*  high-tech enterprise management

*  entrepreneurial base

*  modern economic management foundation, etc.

