zheng jia-ag娱乐平台官方网站

announcer:管理学院公共账号release time:2019-10-29views:388

name: zheng jia

professional title: associate professor

research area: brand management




graduated from harbin engineering university in 2016, ph.d. in management science and engineering. in the years of teaching practice, constantly explores and learns new mode and methods and adjusts the role in teaching in order to fulfill the duties and mission of an educator in the era of rapid development of internet.she firmly believes that the most important goal of education is to inspire and improve students' ability to think and learn independently.


research projects

1. evaluation methods and promotion strategies of regional industrial cluster brands- an empirical study based on 42 industrial clusters in zhejiang province, funded by zhejiang federation of humanities and social sciences circles,2012-2014

2. theory model and empirical study on the sustainable development of industrial clusters based on brand community evolution, funded by department of social sciences, ministry of education,2011-2014

3. teaching reform project: flipped classroom based on mooc and spoc, funded by hangzhou dianzi university, 2016-2019



brand management--cases and applications, xidian university press, 2017

theory model and empirical study on the sustainable development of industrial clusters based on brand community evolution-on the view of cluster brand cultivation, zhejiang university press,2013

brand management, zhejiang university press,2010



*  brand management

*  markting

